FAQ for Partner pharmacy information:
GoGo Meds DBA Jungle Jims is located at 5484 Dixie Highway Fairfield, OH 45014. They can be contacted at 877-858-3784.
They are able to dispense medications and maintain a license in 44 US states. Unfortunately, they cannot dispense sterile compounds and do not have a license in the following US states: CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, NEW JERSEY, NORTH CAROLINA, TEXAS, MASSACHUSETTS, MISSISSIPPI, NEW HAMPSHIRE, WEST VIRGINIA, and DELAWARE.
FAQ for Providers:
Our providers:
Our clinical providers are Beluga Health c/o Jonah Mink MD. Feel free to contact them at: [email protected]. Beluga Health, P.A., a Florida professional corporation, has its office located at 1321 Upland Dr., Suite 18399, Houston, TX, 77043